My head is spinning

The weather has been beautiful, and we had a day off yesterday. What did I do? I sat in my windowless office and updated websites and worked. I was really annoyed that I just didn’t get done until after dark. I missed out on the entire gorgeous day.

I’m realizing that I’m going to get 4 emails for every applicant we have for our REU program, each of which needs to be dealt with, replied to, filed. If we have 200 applicants, I will have 800 emails to deal with in the next month and a half … eeek.

Today in Mathematical Modeling we did a 2.5 minute free-write on our upcoming writing assignment (a dialog in which we explain what is mathematical modeling). This was mostly to make sure they’ve got something written down now; they are to have a complete rough draft done Thursday.

Then we did a shorter free-write on what are the most important things to get right on the assignment, i.e. identify the grading priorities:

  1. Follow the directions from the assignment and those given in-class; address all of the points you are supposed to address.
  2. Organize your writing so that you present material in a logical, well-thought out fashion.
  3. Write clearly, simply, concisely to explain each point well.
  4. Use good sentence structure.
  5. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, appearance.

Now if I just had a better grading plan for these to make the grading go fast when I get the final drafts. I’ve been reading about rubrics and other grading techniques, and I’ve been teaching this class for a year and a half now. I don’t have it figured out. Yet.

One thought on “My head is spinning

  1. You could construct your own rubric with point value ranges for each requirement. Then add the points for the final grade. You probably know that already.
    Good luck on GUM and cap/punct/spell. Got used to rubrics my last two years of teaching.

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